Browsing category: Aladdin

Aladdin at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall 10th-31st December 2019
On Tuesday Sutton Town Hall opened its Christmas panto, Aladdin! If you have fond memories of attending pantomimes as a child with classic lines such as ‘Oh not it isn’t’ and ‘it’s behind you’. Then this production is definitely worth a visit.
The show is performed by a small cast of talented actors who all play key roles, sing modern pop classics and play a range of musical instruments. Supporting the cast is a small group of children who deliver excellent dances which are very inspiring for young children who are looking for role models in the performing arts.
The show is suitable for all ages and offers something for everyone. The audience on opening night was very diverse with children ranging from three all the way up to eighteen. It is an interactive show with opportunities to join in with songs, boo the bad guys and even have a personal shout out half way through the show if you’re celebrating a special occasion.
A classic old school Panto for all the family!
For more information about Aladdin at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall follow the link.