Browsing category: First Steps Peter and the Wolf

I have to admit that before I had children I had never seen a ballet performance before. If I'm going to be honest I found the idea of going to one a bit daunting. It felt like they spoke a language that I couldn't understand. This all changed however when I started to take my children to First Steps. This is an hour-long, interactive performance which features a storyteller and ballet excerpts from some of the most iconic productions performed by Birmingham Royal Ballet and orchestra.
Today we saw Peter and the Wolf which is told through a modern day city landscape of scaffolding and graffiti. Before the dancers came on a fantastic storyteller told us all to turn our imagination key on in our heads. He then introduced us to the set and explained what each part represented. You certainly needed to use your imagination. Apparently the scaffolding represented a tree! Once we had gotten to grips with the set and had been introduced to the main characters the ballet began. For the next 45 minutes my son and I sat transfixed. It was wonderful.
This was a beautiful production which inspired and delighted both my three year son and myself. The next First Steps production will be Swan. Follow the link to find out more.
Disclaimer: I received 2 tickets from Birmingham Royal Ballet in exchange for a review. All content, opinions and views remain my own.