Browsing category: Just Play

Just Play- Soft Play
On Tuesday we attended the exclusive additional needs session at Just Play soft play from 10am-11am. It cost £2 per child, you don’t need to book, it's a free play session and has no music playing. Just Play is a large room with multi-layered soft play and separate football area, and seating with very clean tables, chairs and several settees.
As we arrived the lady on the desk asked if we were for the SEN session which keeps it exclusive. Just Play has always been clean and tidy even when we’ve gone at the end of the day – during term time. They run a second exclusive session on a Tuesday from 4pm-5.30pm.
There were 8 children ranging from 6 months to about 10 years, and 8 adults. The toilets, including disabled are close to the seating area. There is plenty of room for children just to run around and let off steam without disturbing anyone; and there are two separate rooms which are used for parties, activities and groups.
We’ve been coming to these additional needs sessions for about 3 months. Both children, one ASD and one NT, look forward to coming and really enjoy themselves – and I get to sit in peace with a coffee!!
Key Information
Session runs every Tuesday 10-11am and 4-5:30pm (Term Time only)
Just Play
Kings Business Park
715 Kings Road
B44 9HP
For more information at Just Play follow the link.