Browsing category: Sleepyhead at MAC
I was really excited to be invited to Sleepyhead at Midlands Art Centre mainly because my 2 year old son gets dragged along to all my eldest sons age appropriate activities and he rarely gets to experience something that is meant for his age. So this was his day to enjoy.
Round up of the story:
This is a story which features two puppets and 2 very cleaver puppeteers. It follows the story of a very wide awake baby and an exhausted Dad who just wants him to go to sleep. Sounds familiar?! It certainly resonated with us! The Dad tries every trick in the book to get the baby to sleep but to no avail. Instead the baby has some hilarious adventures while his poor exhausted Dad sleeps!
What we thought:
A delightful, funny and beautifully put together production. We loved it! We were so impressed with how the puppeteers brought the characters to life and by the end it felt like the puppets were real. My two year old found it hilarious particularly when the baby had a stinky nappy. We would definitely recommend going to see this performance.
Important information:
Dates-Tue 20 November - Sun 2 December
Prices-£9.50 - £12.50
Age- 2yr old-5yr old
For more information follow the link.