Browsing category: Swan Lake Review

Swan Lake Birmingham Royal Ballet
The Birmingham Hippodrome, 19th-29th February 2020
Last night my son and his Grandpa were very lucky to be invited to see Swan Lake at Hippodrome. Here is their review:
It might be thought a high risk strategy to take my six-year-old grandson to the Birmingham Royal Ballet’s latest production of Swan Lake, lasting as it does three hours! But that would be to reckon without the BRB’s wonderful First Steps programme, which he has been to several times from the age of 3. Over a period of an hour this excellent scheme introduces small children to the delights of ballet, explaining the symbolism, how music helps create mood, introducing them to the ballet’s plot and concluding with some of the highlights of the performance. Thus he was well prepared for what unfolded. The sheer quality of the production and design, the atmosphere created by the dark and shadows of subtle lighting, the fabulous costumes and the sheer brilliance of the dancers all served to hold his attention for the full three hours. He particularly enjoyed the wicked magician Baron Von Rothbart and loved it when Siegfried pulled off his mask and threw it aside. This was his second experience of a full-length production, having been to a BRB matinee of The Nutcracker about a year ago and there is perhaps more in that to engage a small boy with a penchant for sword fighting! But that said, and despite the late hour, he was still utterly gripped throughout the whole performance of Swan Lake. We are so privileged to have the BRB based in Brum, in the beautiful Hippodrome theatre!
For more details and to book tickets follow the link.
Review written by David Newsome
Disclaimer: We received 2 tickets from Birmingham Royal Ballet in return for a review . All content, opinions and views remain my own.