Browsing category: Tabby McTat

Photo Credit Robin Savage
There are some days when it feels like you've had a real treat and today was one of them. I took my niece to the theatre to see Tabby McTat at the Town Hall. She'd never been to a show before and seeing her little face transfixed on the lights and her little squeals of delight were a real treat.
Tabby McTat is a classic Julia Donaldson story (author of the Gruffalo). It follows the adventures of a street cat and its owner a busker named Fred. Together they make quite the musical pair but one day Fred goes missing. Will Tabby McTat find him again? Where will his quest take him and who will he meet?
Julia Donaldson stories are so well known and loved that often I have found they fall a bit short on stage. However the story of Tabby McTat worked well on the stage. There was a good mixture of songs and dialogue. The actors expertly interacted with the audience bringing the story to life The only small criticism we had was that some parts of the story which had been added to the stage version were a bit unnecessary and my niece got a bit restless. But overall we would really recommend this as a fun summer holiday treat.
Tabby McTat runs until Sunday 25th August. To book tickets follow the link.
Key information
I took a pushchair to the theatre today. The Town Hall were really welcoming and happy to accommodate. There was a cloakroom to leave it in and lots of people on hand to help.
Disclaimer: I received 4 tickets from The Symphony and Town Hall in exchange for a review. All content, opinions and views remain my own.