Browsing category: You Choose in Space

We were really excited to be invited to the Solihull Bookfest. The Bookfest was set up six years ago as Bournville Bookfest and it's become so popular that there are now 3 more festivals around the Midlands including Solihull. It's it's one of the biggest children's book festivals in the UK and Birmingham's only dedicated book festival for 0-12 year olds. They are a not-for-profit social enterprise so tickets are kept at affordable prices and there are also lots of free events throughout the festival. So far so amazing! So what did we think of our day?

'You Choose in Space' By Nick Sharratt holds a special place in our heart. It's one of the first books my son received as a baby and we have always enjoyed sharing it as a family. The book encourages you to zoom off into space for an adventure where YOU CHOOSE what happens next. What exciting job will you do on the spaceship? What strange alien food will you eat? Who will you be friends with? It's a book that has no age restrictions and is full to the brim with imagination. Today Nick Sharratt brought his book to life by doing a live draw along show. He projected parts of the book onto a large screen and got the audience to decide what would happen next. We got to see him drawing some of his wonderful
illustrations and we were even able to dance along with him in a space disco. We had a great morning at a really affordable price (tickets were £5 per person.)
The Bookfest continues with Barnt Green on the 16th March and then Bournville from 14th-24th March.